11:38 AM

Looking back at 2014, I realized that the biggest change i ever made/had was to constantly pick on my hair. I started 2014 with my super long hair with a faded ombre, then i re-bleached it with the loreal box dye after three months/ after going to coachella cause I envied almost every girl there with super cute long almost blonde ombre hair. Four months passed, my hair was turning super brassy and orange, it was super dry and fried, and it was always tangled. I didn't really know how to take care of bleached hair that time and I wasn't patient about it either. That's when i decided I wanted to cut my hair short; I did cut it above the boobs but just below the collarbone and that removed all the ombre hair. Not being content with the length, I remember I got slightly addicted to trimming it almost every week till it was above my collarbone already. So my hair was finally super healthy, alive, and naturally dark brown again.
December came and i wanted to bleach my healthy short hair again. I actually did my research this time on how DIY balayage/ombre hair with actual bleach + toners, how to maintain the color, how to take care of treated hair, etc. I actually learned a lot and got super excited that I actually bought the supplies the next day. New Year came and on these photos I have actually bleached my hair three times already and i still plan to bleach it again to reach a slightly blonde color. Till then, that's the story of my hair evolution in a year.
"New year, new me"
"Same shit, different day"

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